For my first blog post, I wanted to address my biggest pet peeve as a teacher. Many things about being a teacher aren't easy. That's okay. However, the lack of respect from EVERYONE (sorry to yell) is ridiculous! My sister-in-law, the lawyer, once said, "What are you complaining about, you get summers off!" Mind you, she said this to me, a teacher, and to her mother-in-law, also a teacher. We both showed the restraint that teachers must and didn't say anything back, but I sure wanted to!!!
What I wanted to say is that while teachers may not have to go in to work every morning and teach students during the summer months, they are working. I don't know a single teacher who doesn't plan new units, complete training sessions, and in general, work during the summers. Many teachers even have to get a paying job during the summer just to make ends meet. Yes, I said a paying job! Teachers work every summer, but it is without pay. "But you get a paycheck through the summer," you say. Yes, we do, but it is only for the 191 days that we are required to work. The rest of the days we work (nights, weekends, summers) are unpaid.
So... the next time someone disrespects teachers with this ridiculous statement, please stand up for the people who got you all where you are today. Yes, some teachers are great and others not so good, but I know if you think back to your years of schooling, you will remember a wonderful teacher who made a difference for you and they were working during their summers too!